Friday, December 24, 2010

So I'm here at work, wondering why I havent kept up with my blogger account. I really have no real reason to NOT post... I am not so busy doing other things. I guess I just feel that I will continuously rant.

And who likes to read about my lil ol' complaints?

Have you ever wondered about shit like that? Like.. who cares? You can come here every day and post something that may mean nothing.. or may mean everything to you.. but who pays attention? Who REALLY cares? Has someone made a connection to your post? Did you remind someone of something from their past? Did someone rethink a decision based on something you have written?

I guess I will continue asking myself these questions everytime I decide to write. Maybe one day if someone feels a certain way, they will comment and let me know how it affected them.

*shrugs* Whatever.


  1. You're not supposed to write because you think people will pay attention, you write to make sense of things for yourself, or to see your thoughts in solidified form, or possibly because something just plain needs to be said.

    I would like to read about your complaints. But if you want people to pay attention, it would probably also help to not make your blog and self as quiet and private as possible.
